Saturday, November 1, 2008

Fred and Ginger

Last week I did a post about Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. I had just watched Shall We Dance, and loved it! Well, I got an email from my sister about a website completely devoted to Fred and Ginger. Next year is the 75th anniversary of one of Fred and Ginger's first and most popular movies, The Gay Divorcee. In celebration of the event there are tons of festivals and activities planned for throughout the year. Here is a link in case you're interested! Even if you don't plan on attending any, it's fun to see how loved Fred and Ginger really are!!


Jamie said...

Yay for Fred and Ginger. They are the best!

Jamie said...

Okay - it makes me sad that no-one else has left a comment for Fred and Ginger, so here is another one. Yay for Fred and Ginger! We love you. (Yes - I know I am crazy!)