Friday, October 3, 2008


It's been in a while since I've done a typical danna type blog. It is much needed if I do say so myself.

Next week is my birthday. Of course that's the first thing I mention. Haha. What can I say? I love birthdays! This will be my first married birthday. I'm pretty excited about that. I really have no idea what Josh is getting me. I'm excited to find out though! But this an important birthday. I will be a teenager no more. I know Josh feels pretty good about that. :) It's going to be an exciting month though. There is my birthday next week, Josh's later in the month, Josh's sister Kendal is staying with us for the weekend, we're going to conference, we're staying at Jacob's cabin next weekend, Alyson is coming to visit, and it's Halloween. I think it will be a good month.

School is going pretty well. I have three exams next week which sucks, especially because it's my birthday on Tuesday, but I'm just looking forward to them being over. Luckily only one of them is actually in the testing center. I'm pretty stoked about that. One is a take-home and one is on blackboard. Yay!

I have a sore throat.

I have a blister on the toe just next to the pinky toe on my left foot. I don't know how it got there. It hurts.

I'm so excited for December. We only had the one reception in Washington after the wedding before we headed off on our honeymoon. Our second reception is over Christmas break. Also over the break, Josh's brother is getting married! I'm really excited to go to that. That will be the first sealing I'll go to other than my own. :)

I love my sign language class. I'm in 201 and going strong. I went to ASL club the other day and it was really fun. We learned church signs for conference and we signed some songs. I'm really enjoying the language.

The girl sitting next to me has a really cool wedding ring.

I use the bathroom at almost the exact same time every single day.

Josh got a super awesome job that he loves. I'm so proud of him. He does so much for us.

I need a job.

I'm currently obsessed with the new mates of state cd, Burger King's onion rings, avacados, guacamole, braiding my hair, and my good smelling body wash.

Alright, it's off to class for me!! Til next time...

*sorry it's so short*

1 comment:

Jamie said...

you are too funny. love you.